Global Media Systems and Trends

Choose a media corporation that 1) has a global audience, and 2) is NOT a module topic in our class, and write an analysis of the media corporation. You can use the Sony article (by Gershon & Kanayama) in our course readings as a sample for the analysis. Your analysis should cover the following components:
History: the origin, development, and current status of the corporation.
Organizational culture of the corporation: What is the corporation’s organizational culture? What are the key features that make the corporation similar to or different from other media corporations?
Global business strategies: What are the corporation’s strategies for global markets? How are they similar to or different from global business strategies of other media corporations?
Audience acceptance: How are domestic and international audiences responding to the corporation?
Future directions: What are the future directions for the corporation?
Conclusion: What have you learned from the analysis?

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