Analyzing international marketing environment

Analyze global and local business environment with regards to
various environmental factors that include (Six Sections)
 Global Factors that impact on the economy of the selected country
 State of economy of selected country
 Geo-political events around the globe and in specific region and country impacting on the
selected country
 Legal developments impacting expansion of business in the country
 International and Regional trade environment in form of barriers impacting the country
 Socio-Cultural factors
1.2 You are expected to scan latest global and local news from reputed newspapers, blogs and
magazines (non-academic) and find news items that are relevant to the company, industry,
home country and host country.
1.3 Each entry will be in bullet points. For each entry you need to specify:
 What is the factor that has an impact on the country?
 Whether the impact is positive or negative for expansion of the selected company into
selected region and why?
 What is the strategy to mitigate the risk and/or capitalize on opportunities based on this

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