Wilfred Blackburn’s communication consultant.

Imagine that you have been hired to serve a Wilfred Blackburn’s communication consultant. In this assignment, Blackburn asks you for three deliverables:

Part 1: As stakeholder analysis – identify and describe the 4-5 stakeholder groups you believe are most critical from a communication and business perspective. Fill in the matrix with bullet points (matrix document is attached). Be sure to explain why you have selected these specific stakeholders.

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix



What we know:

What we need to find out:


(What’s on their minds?)

Desired impact on:

Attitudes, knowledge, behaviors

Part 2: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current communication networks – vertical (upward and downward), horizontal, and external. Be sure to provide evidence from the case to support your assessment.

Part 3: Recommend an Action Equation designed to communicate messages from Blackburn to the employees of the Prudential Singapore office. What do you think “The Cause” should be and why? Identify 3-4 Do’s and the corresponding Know and Feel elements.

Writing Quality: Includes fluency of writing, organizational structure, correct documentation practices and use of sources to support your points.

Important note: this is not a research paper — your analysis should be based solely on the case study, course materials, and your own communication experience. Do not search for additional information about Prudential Singapore!

Format and length: Word document, 1000-1300 words, organized into the three parts, 1.5 line spacing, Calibri font. Please be aware that papers not meeting the minimum length or exceeding the maximum length are subject to point deductions. A goal in all our writing assignments is conciseness and clarity.

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