

Research criteria: Four reputable/scholarly references required; one can be your Medical-Surgical textbook, but the remaining 3 must be research articles less than 5 years old retrieved from a scholarly database and reputable journal (instructor permission for articles over 5 years). Research articles do not have to be limited to nursing journals.
Content framework: the following can serve as a framework for your paper.

Format: APA 6th edition

  1. In your introduction, supply pertinent demographic data related to patients who may be predisposed i.e. at higher risk to acquire the chosen disease process, such as but not limited to; gender, age, family history, employment history, recreational interests, diet, marital status, living arrangement, social history, etc…
  2. In section one, provide an explanation of the pathophysiology and etiology of the assigned disease process, explaining how the above demographic data puts the patient at risk for the acquiring the assigned disease process. This should not be a word-for-word regurgitation from your reference material; you need to use your reference material to support your understanding the disease process and its relationship to demographic risk factors.
  3. Begin section two by reviewing your selected research articles / literature, explain criteria used to determine validity/reliability of your sources. Compare and contrast i.e. draw comparisons and identify both similarities and discrepancies of the findings in the literature regarding standard of care in relation to both prevention, acute management/treatment and long term management of disease process as applicable. This should not be a word-for-word regurgitation of your reference material; you need to demonstration your synthesis/comprehension of the material by paraphrasing the findings, and in your own words summarizing i.e. drawing conclusions about possible reasons for similarities and/or discrepancies in the research findings i.e. could it be related to differences in research population, study size, type of study, etc…
  4. End your paper by identifying the three priority concepts of care the nurse should focus on, give rationale for your selection of each concept. Next, using a chart or some other visual diagram outline the priority nursing interventions related to the concepts you have selected, there need to be interventions related to prevention, acute management/treatment and long term management as applicable; five to seven interventions per concept.

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