Ibasis case


+Refer to Module 1 of course content to read through the “Case Study Method to Learning”. You are expected to use this approach and framework to complete your case analysis.
+make sure that you respond to the case using the following headings in your case response (this makes a few minor adjustments to the Template mentioned):
Cover Page.
Table of Contents
Situation Analysis
Objectives [major question or issue to be resolved]
Options that could address the objectives
Analysis of the options [including decision criteria used to make the assessment]
Conclusions [choice of the best option with rationale]
Recommendations [what exactly should the firm do]
+Stay within the case. Do not do any external research in support of the case. This is not a research exercise but an analytical one. Use theory from the negotiations discussion in the module of Week 5 to help inform your approach and assessment. That is, while common sense is helpful, try to make use of appropriate theory in your assessment.
+You have full latitude to explore those negotiation issues you consider central to the case, and then to evaluate each option and conclude which you think is best for the firm.

Fully formed thoughts are expected in full sentence structure and succinct, professional business writing style. Make sure that you reread your submission before finalizing and submitting it.
Maximum of 10 pages, excluding cover page, table of contents, exhibits or appendices and bibliography.
Typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins on all sides; include page numbers, bottom right corner.
Bibliography as the last page of your assignment (not included in page count). It will be assumed that your only source material will be the case itself. Do not use any other inputs into this case other than the case itself.
Include a cover page (student name, assignment name, date etc.) (not included in page count)

The case will be marked according to a rubric that pays attention to each of the elements of the case as noted in the “Guidelines for Case Analysis” above.

Situation Assessment: analyzing the case data – stay WITHIN the case for case content. DO NOT DO EXTERNAL RESEARCH. DO NOT UPDATE THE TIMELINES – stay at the time of the case material.
Objectives: Defining the issue(s) to be solved (The Major Question)
Options: Generating alternatives that could solve the Major Question
Options analysis: Selecting decision criteria, then analyzing and evaluating alternatives (Advantages and Disadvantages)
Conclusion: Selecting the preferred alternative
Recommendation: Developing an action/implementation plan

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