Theoretical concepts of psychosocial and systems theory

Conduct a research paper that illustrates self-awareness and their understanding of the theoretical concepts of psychosocial and systems theory, social forces and social identities in human development. Each student must analyze his or her own behavior during middle childhood (6-12 years) OR early adolescence (12-18 years) in terms of the theoretical frameworks discussed in class and review of pertinent literature. This paper is expected to describe his or her management of each task in this stage and of the psychosocial crisis. Special attention must be given to the ways in which development was influenced by the family, small groups (peers) or organizations (church, school, scout, etc.) and by gender, race, socioeconomic status, and/or other specific social forces (unemployment, parent involvement in war effort, rural/urban residence, etc.).

All papers must be typed, double-spaced, and carefully edited, following APA format. The paper should be 7 to 9 pages in length and include documentation (use of articles from current journals). More than five (5) grammatical errors are unacceptable.
Use APA Manual (6th edition).


I Introduction- Descriptive Data: name, age, race, current marital status, religion, occupation, and place of birth.
5 pts
II Developmental/Personal History: Nature of your mother’s pregnancy with you (prenatal care, complications, developmental milestones and/or problems, family situation during this period, illness, injuries, play patterns, relationships with peers, abuse issues, separation issues, academic performance, interest, hobbies, occupational/employment history (if worked during this time period), dating, sexual orientation, sexual abuse, substance abuse, medical history, legal history, significant relationships, social position (introvert v. extrovert), involvement in community, church, or school activities.
15 pts
III Eco map- create a eco map that includes significant individuals and/or experiences during this time period of your life.
10 pts
IV Discuss at least two tasks encountered during this time period in terms of your management of each task and the psychosocial crisis.
30 pts
V Discuss your life during this time period AND apply the concepts of psychosocial theory and systems theory.
o Developmental Tasks (discuss all 4- 5 tasks for the selected developmental stage)
o Psychosocial Crisis
o Central Process
o Ego Quality vs. Core Pathology 40 pts
VI Current Situation: What role does your past experiences play in your life today? What is your current personality & how much of that is influenced from this time period in your life? Why are you where you are today—studying to be a social worker?
15 pts
VII Reference Page- APA format
15 pts

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