The three “classical” sociological theorists (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber)

Part I: Long Essay (90 points; 60 minutes): Explain the approaches of the three “classical” sociological theorists (Marx, Durkheim, and Weber) as presented in your textbook. Structure your essay with the following paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Introduction: brief preview of your argument.
Paragraphs 2-4: Explain the core elements of each of the three approaches.
1 paragraph per theorist.
Paragraphs 5-7: Write 1 paragraph per theorist, in which you:
Identify at least 2 key concepts that are unique to each theorist.
Explain why each concept is important to its corresponding theory.
Provide at least one concrete example from class materials (textbook, class exercise, lecture) that is relevant to each concept.
Paragraph 8: Explain key similarities and differences between the three approaches.

the book title
Introduction to Social Theory,
Pip Jones, Liz
Bradbury, & Shaun Le Boutillier (ISBN: 9780745635231)
. the file below are the chapters that we went into. also this is the only source you need to use is what I uploaded

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