Interviewing a Leader


Typed 6 pages, 1” margin, Time New Roman font, 12 pt.
1) Identified leader, their position, and the rationale for choosing this person.
2) Identified interviewee’s views of leadership (2pages):
a) their leadership philosophy.
b) their strengths/weaknesses.
c) major challenges faced as a leader.
d) joys and pains associated with their position. Please summarize this section.
3) Integrate interview experience and findings with material from the text, class discussions and/or class activities. You must make three connections (at least two connection from the book— do not use direct quotes, use your own words —) Be explicit and provide sufficient detail (minimum one paragraph per connection) to demonstrate your understanding of the concept/issue you are addressing.
4) Described the advice gathered about being a leader based on the interview.
5) Well-written, grammatically correct paper. Includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
6) Overall thoughts, impressions, regarding the interview. What did you learn regarding this leader? Did anything surprise you?

Try to answer those questions:
. What is your leadership style?
. who are your mentors?
. How did they influence you?
. Tell me about a time you struggled with work-life balance. Did you manage to solve the problem? How did you do it?
. Tell me about a time you improved your agency/company in some way.
. In what specific ways do you motivate your team?
. How could you describe your leadership style?
. What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?
. Are you more effective in a group or one basis?
. how do you motivate your team?
. What is the most difficult part of being a leader?
. how do you lead through change?
. How do you measure success for you as a leader?
What motivated you to be a leader?
. what is a leader’s best asset?
. What are the most difficult decisions to make?

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