The theory or concept

Read the following three scenarios and choose the answer that best explains each situation, then using concepts or theory from the chapter, identify the concept or theory that applies to your answer.

  1. A murder has been committed and one man has been accused of the crime. You want to know whether he is guilty or innocent. You should:

A. observe the accused man. Guilty people usually give themselves away in how they talk or act.

B. look for physical evidence. You must find some footprint, fingerprint, or property that connects the accused man

with the crime.

C. find witnesses. You should talk with all who know the accused man, were at the scene of the crime, etc.

D. put the accused person to a test and see how he behaves. This might be a psychological test or some physical

test that will give you proof.

what is the theory or concept from the chapter that best applies to your answer? Why?

  1. You are a very fortunate person. You are happy, healthy, and intelligent. You have a strong and loving family. Almost

everything you have set out to do turns out well. You think:

A. I am just lucky. Some people are lucky, some people are not. I happen to be lucky.

B. I must be careful; good and bad tend to balance, and one of these days things will begin to go badly for me.

C. Life is what you make it. To be happy you have to “think happy,” as happiness is all up to the individual’s attitude

and frame of mind.

D. Somebody or some force is watching over me. Call it “God” or a guardian angel or some other supernatural power–

I have such faith.

BASED ON YOUR CHOICE, what is the theory or concept from the chapter that best applies to your answer? Why?

  1. You are a farmer. There has been a long dry spell throughout the growing season, and there is little hope for

rain soon. Without rain, you and your family may starve during the next year. What is the best thing for you

to do?

A. Pray for rain. Only God (or the gods) can deliver you from this dry spell.

B. Ask scientists or technical people for methods to create rain, perhaps by seeding the clouds with


C. Ask the elders and wise-men of the community; they have lived the longest, and they know best what to


D. You are probably being punished; the dry-spell is a curse. Discover the source of this curse, remove it,

and the rains will come.

what is the theory or concept from the chapter that best applies to your answer? Why?

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