Rhetoric Analysis on academic writing

Eead, evaluate, and respond to a self-selected piece of academic literature. Write an MLA style bibliography entry.
Genre: Summary-Response Essay

Core Skills
Meet content requirements: length, basic features, format, bibliography
Summarize: represent contents of a self selected piece of scholarship
Evaluate: present a judgment of the article’s argument

New Skills (building on Essay 2)
Locate an academic source related to personal interest
Reading/representing arguments in a field
Incorporating source evidence to support student’s argument (with citation)


Original Title Unique to the essay. -10

Compelling Intro w/ Relevant Info about Your Source
Capture’s audience interest and provides relevant information about the source using an authoritative but objective tone. -30

Clear Thesis 1-2 sentences that clearly outline an argument about the source’s effectiveness.-15

Analyze the Source’s Audience, Purpose, Stance, Context, Genre, and Medium & Design
There is a paragraph devoted to all 6.- 60

Well-Supported Reasoning
Makes clear claims about the source and supports them w/ reasoning, textual evidence, and tone.-40

Satisfying summary of your argument & the source’s rhetorical situation.-15

Proper Format (spacing, headers, etc.) & Citations
Virtually no errors.- 20

Proper Punctuation, Grammar, & Spelling Virtually no errors.-10

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