On the spot news story


On the Spot Writing (10%)

This is your introduction to basic news writing. We say basic news writing because this provides you with a good foundation for media writing. Since you are a beginner in this process, it is imperative that you understand the need to report the facts of what is happening. Talk to the people around you to get their reaction. In fact, rely on the people around you to provide the basis for your story. Listen, ask questions, take notes. Then sit down and organize your story starting with the most important fact and ending with the least important facts (inverted pyramid). Again, don’t interpret, but relay the facts. Remember to be clear, concise, and brief.

Assignment: You must attend an off-campus community meeting or event of some sort (school board, city council, PTSA, girl or boy scouts or other organization, condo association, community club (not on campus), an opening ceremony, award ceremony, etc. and report on the meeting or event. You should report on the meeting or event as actual news. Interview people at the event, do some research on the organization or event. You will be required to complete a News Story Planning Sheet (Exercise #2) in preparation for the assignment. You will receive feedback on your story choice prior to the actual event, so plan carefully.

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