Article Review ~ Art


Read the attached article and ensure that the essay addresses the following information:

*Bibliographic info (title, source, date, page numbers)
*Subject of article (brief synopsis)
*Thesis of article (focus or controlling idea)

The essay must also address the following questions:

*How does the author support the thesis (examples, description, opinion, anecdotes, or other means), and how do these examples, etc. specifically support the thesis? Give some examples.

*What is the purpose of the article (to persuade, argue, describe, explain, entertain)?

*Are the issues raised in the reading addressed adequately, passed over, or even ignored?

*Can you detect any biases in the author’s presentation of the material in the article? These could be lurking under the surface, unconscious to the writer, and stem from the author’s background, including education, social class, etc.—all of which might contribute to how the material in the article has been framed or presented.

*What are your biases or preconceptions about the subject of this reading? Do these in any way modify how you respond to the article?

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