Social media platform for consumer reviews and advertising on media content?


How has social media become a major platform for consumer reviews and advertising on media content?

(Few points to include)

  • recreating parody videos and sharing on their social feeds
  • Create memes of favourite characters or scenes as a form of entertainment and communication.
  • Creating Twitter threads on best movie reviews according to genres.


Once you select your particular media object or phenomenon, consider your research question, which should take into account the media industrial conditions in which your object or phenomenon exists. What factors contributed to its success, its challenges, or failures? Is there something unique or exemplary about it? Or is it conventional and keeping with industry norms? Consider too where applicable, issues such as (but not limited to) media or content ownership and control, intellectual property, financing and business models, geographical limits and possibilities (local, national, international, transnational), production costs and labour, exhibition space and place, timing, distribution platforms and infrastructures, markets, promotional strategies, government or industry regulation, technological affordances and limits etc.
If you need guidance as to what a “media industries study” looks like, please consult your Media Industries textbook, and the bibliographies located at the end of each chapter.

The first part of this assignment is to put together a proposal indicating your topic, your central research question(s), your rationale for choosing this topic, and the processes, perspective(s) and sources you will mobilize in order to address your research question(s).
Length: 750 words (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins)
Purpose: The aim is for you to create a solid foundation from which to write your final paper, and also to give you the opportunity to receive and benefit from feedback from the course director and your classmates. This will hopefully provide a strong foundation from which you can write your final draft.

Instructions: The proposal should include: 3

• A working title, as well as your name and student number
• A description of your topic, and your specific research question(s)
• The rationale for your topic: Why is this topic important to you, why is it relevant to the course, why should we care about it?
• What do you already know about your topic, and what do you hope to learn about it?
• How will this study create new knowledge or understanding about your topic or the operations of media industries more largely?
• How do you plan to address your topic, that is, what perspectives or approaches (i.e. a combination of political economy or cultural studies?) do you plan to use in order to answer your research question(s)?
• What 5 preliminary sources have you found? Explain their relevance in an annotated bibliography of 1-2 sentences. Please use a standard citation style and be consistent (preferably Chicago, MLA, or APA). See:
• Feel free to also include any challenges and concerns you anticipate up

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