Write a report that shows how primary and foreign keys are used in a database. For this part, you should create suitable tables. You may use the UNIVERSITY database. You should use commercial grade software that is available for free use. I recommend SQLServer Express and MySQL software. You should run actual SQL queries in these databases and show me that you understand the primary and foreign keys, creating a database with at least four different tables and populating each table with at least four tuples and four attributes. You should provide evidence that you understand how to use the following commands: ORDER BY, UNIQUE, DISTINCT, ASCENDING, DESCENDING, SUM, AVG, COUNT. The tables you use should meet the 3rd Normal Form and integrity constraints. In your report, you should identify the ease of use aspect for each software that you try. You should try at least two different software. I expect this report to contain several screenshots of SQL commands and outputs. I will create a place in Blackboard to drop off your report by the due date in the usual area.
The research reports should use double spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1” margins, with no cover page. Each report should clearly identify the name of the student, type of submission (i.e., Report 1, etc.), title, contain an abstract and use between 5 and 7 references, with a full citation for each reference. References should be from reputable sources. References should not include the textbook, websites such as Wikipedia which describe the basic concepts, newspapers such as the New York Times, Houston Chronicle, etc., and magazine sources such as PC Magazine, etc. Each report should contain between 10 and 13 pages of analysis and conclusions.