The Republican or Democratic Party

Are you active politically? Have you voted in an election?

8) Do you identify with either the Republican or Democratic Party? A third-party? No partisan affiliation?

9) Would you consider yourself conservative, liberal, middle of the road, or other ideology?

10) What is your primary source of news and information about government and politics?

11) Discuss your political socialization here or in the state or town you grew up in or country you grew up in. (Look up “political socialization” and explain briefly what it is and then tell us what factor influenced your understanding of government and what your impressions were about government growing up and NOW.

Who is your most admired PUBLIC figure (in other words, someone in the public arena such as a governmental official or politician, a religious leader, a sports figure, a celebrity, businessperson, scientist, etc.? (Contemporary or historical–for example, George Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Pope Francis, Billy Graham, Mohammad Ali, Beyoncé, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton…someone in the public eye.) Why?

12) What are your “hot button” issues, in other words, issues that press your button–upsets you, inspires you, excites you? (For example: the death penalty, discrimination, abortion (pro-choice or anti-abortion), child abuse, elections, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the FBI investigation as to whether Mr. Trump is an agent of the Russian government, the Mueller investigation, Mr. Trump’s insistence on the building of a wall between the United States and Mexico, immigrant detention in cages along the border, the Russian interference in elections, the trade embargoes with China and Mexico, discrimination, continuing crisis in the Middle East, the impeachment investigation against Mr. Trump, climate change, racism, affirmative action, efforts to criminalize all abortion, efforts to eliminate Planned Parenthood and birth control, gun control, gun violence, gun rights, higher education issues in Texas, the Houston mayoral election, the exploding Houston population, etc. Discuss at least two of these public policy issues.) Explain why you feel the way you do about these issues.

13) Include any information about yourself you would like to share about yourself and your interests, goals, or personal concerns that might be relevant.

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