Individual Report


Individual Report { 1500 words maximum

The marketing Director of the company that you work for is looking for better cooperation between the departments within the organisation. He has asked you to write a report on this with some positive recommendations to achieve this objective .
To facilitate inter-departmental cooperation, what measures would you recommend to your colleagues and subordinates to take ? What kind of barriers in communication do you face and what is your strategy to overcome them ? These two questions need to be addressed in your report .

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes .

L01 – Describe and analyse the purposes and principles behind different forms of organisational communication,
L04 – Apply principles of effective communication to enhance practice,
L05 – Evaluate the communication practices of themselves and others,

Report Structure;

Ensure that the report has the following structure and contains the details outlined

1 Literature review;
2 Analysis and discussion of both questions;
3 Conclusion;
4 Reference List;

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