Business Proposal


Write a 300-word memo telling me and the other students in the course what you would like to accomplish with your assignment. Identify the company or organization (or type of company/organization) you will research and write about.

Remember that all successful messages consider Context, Audience, and Purpose (CAP):

Context: What is the company/organization’s name, what does it do, where is it located, how large is it?
Audience: To whom will you address your proposal? The primary audience will be the owner or an executive who can implement your proposal. If the proposal requires funding, it will also answer the concerns of bankers or investors.
Purpose: Describe the problem or opportunity that the proposal will address.
You should write about a company or organization which, in doing the research and writing, you will gain knowledge that is useful to your career plans. You might also choose an organization that you want to work for in the future. You should certainly choose an organization that interests you because of what it does and/or how it operates.

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