Wealth Inequality


Any reputable source will be fine
Background: Tell me the background of the article (summarize it).
Political: How would a politician(s) view this? Would they create a social policy? Would they stop a social policy? Who does this benefit 1% or 99% (interpret/article not needed).
Social: How would a sociologist(s) view this? What effect does this have on society? Who does this affect the most? Who does this benefit 1% or 99% (interpret/article not needed)?
Economic: How would an economist(s) view this? What would they recommend to help the economy? How does this affect the economy? Is there money to be made or lost? Who does this benefit 1% or 99% (interpret/article not needed).
Peaceful Solution: What do you believe would be the best outcome to make most people happy? (personal opinion)

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