Visualization vs Cloud Computing

Discussion 1

Manikanta Kumar Reddy Malledi

From the start, virtualization and distributed computing may seem like comparable things, yet every one has a more extensive definition that can be applied to a wide range of sorts of frameworks. Both virtualization and distributed computing are regularly virtual as in they depend on comparative models and standards. Be that as it may, distributed computing and virtualization are inalienably extraordinary.

Virtualization is essentially the supplanting of some physical part with a virtual one. Inside this wide definition, there are explicit sorts of virtualization, for example, virtual capacity gadgets, virtual machines, virtual working frameworks and virtual arrange parts for organize virtualization. Virtualization just implies that somebody fabricated a model for something, for example, a machine or server, into code, making a product program work that demonstrations like what it’s displaying. For example, a virtual server sends and gets flag simply like a physical one, despite the fact that it doesn’t have its own hardware and other physical segments.

System virtualization is the nearest sort of virtualization to the sorts of arrangements known as distributed computing. In arrange virtualization, singular servers and different segments are supplanted by consistent identifiers, as opposed to physical equipment pieces. For instance, a virtual machine is a product portrayal of a PC, instead of a genuine PC. System virtualization is utilized for testing conditions just as genuine system execution.

Distributed computing, then again, is a particular sort of IT arrangement that includes different PCs or equipment pieces sending information through a remote or IP-associated organize. By and large, distributed computing conditions include sending inputted information to remote areas through a to some degree dynamic system direction known as “the cloud.” With the prevalence of distributed computing administrations, an ever increasing number of individuals are understanding the cloud as a capacity domain provided by sellers that accept accountability for information and chronicle security.

To put it plainly, distributed computing is a reference to explicit sorts of seller gave arrange arrangements, where virtualization is the more broad procedure of supplanting substantial gadgets and controls with a framework where programming oversees even more a system’s procedures


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Discussion 2

Mohit Ostwal

RE: Vitualization vs Cloud Computing

Differences between Virtualization and Cloud Computing


Virtualization can likewise be applied to capacity equipment. Like server virtualization, stockpiling virtualization can assist you with getting progressively out of your current equipment by expanding its use, somewhere in the range of 20 to 80 percent( Beckham, J, 2011). Vmware is first company utilized virtualization which holds between 55 percent to 85 percent market share in the virtual markets.

VMware offers High Accessibility for applications introduced on virtual machines. High Access promptly discovers disappointments in equipment and visitor working frameworks. At that point it restarts influenced virtual machines on other creation servers with save limit. With HA, you do not have to physically restart virtual machines on different has in the bunch. Also, it consequently accomplishes its thing after recognition of operating system disappointment.
VMware’s foundation offers alternatives with the vSphere hypervisor, in the endeavor versions of the item, and as a different available segment for all vSphere releases. This additional layer of security gives VMware a preferred position over different pioneers in the virtualization space, as Microsoft and Citrix(CBTnuggets, 2018).

The following are challenges of using virtualization below.

  1. Asset appropriation : The manner in which virtualization allotments frameworks can bring about differed ways some may work truly well, and others probably won’t give clients access to enough assets to address their issues. Asset conveyance issues regularly happen in the move to virtualization and can be fixed by taking a shot at scope organization with your specialist co-op.
  2. VM Spread : VM spread, the unchecked development of virtual machines in a virtual domain, as any virtualization administrator knows, can disable a generally solid condition. It is dangerous in light of the fact that its basic reason frequently remains covered up until it shows in asset deficiencies.
  3. In reverse similarity : Utilizing inheritance frameworks can cause issues with more up to date virtualized programming programs. Similarity issues can be tedious and hard to explain. A decent supplier might have the option to propose updates and workarounds to guarantee that everything capacities the manner in which they should(, 2019).

Cloud computing:

For most little organizations, distributed computing is an innovation you’ll get to utilizing the Web as opposed to executing it all alone system. You can browse an assortment of distributed computing suppliers and cloud-based administrations all intended to meet independent venture needs. About 75 percent of respondents in a Cisco overview are utilizing a cloud-based assistance. Distributed computing offers little organizations some really convincing points of interest, including simpler establishment of utilizations and equipment; access to modern programming; and the capacity to attempt programming before acquiring it(Beckham, J, 2011).

Reference :

Beckham, J. (2011, October 26). Cloud Computing vs. Virtualization: The Differences and Benefits. Retrieved from…

CBTnuggets. (2018, November 27). Online IT Training Videos, IT Certification Training. Retrieved from… (2019, May 23). What are the common challenges of virtualization? Retrieved from…

Discussion 3

Jain Elizebeth John

Virtualization is a technology that allows the single physical infrastructure to function as a multiple logical infrastructure or resources. A virtual machine is created over an existing operating system (OS) or hardware and above it the other OS is run. There are various forms of virtualization such as processor virtualization, memory virtualization, storage virtualization, network virtualization, data and application virtualization. The 3 approaches of virtualization include full virtualization, para virtualization and hardware-assisted virtualization. Full virtualization uses hypervisor which interacts with the physical server’s hardware resources and acts as a platform for the virtual server’s operating system (OS). Para virtualization uses an API which must be used by the guest OS. In hardware assisted virtualization, a virtual machine is created over an existing OS or hardware and above it the other OS is run (Chandrasekaran, 2014).

Following are some of the differences between cloud computing and virtualization-

Virtualization is a technology wherein it can be considered as a software that can manipulate the hardware. Cloud computing the service that is the result of this manipulation. On scalability, cloud can be extended as much as needed whereas in virtualization, the virtual machine’s (VM) configuration limits the scalability. It is easy to setup virtual environment compared to setting up a cloud. The integration of virtualization allows the expansion of new machines with the same infrastructure and in the case of cloud integration, it allows the expansion of users and applications. Multiple OS can be installed on a single server using virtualization whereas multiple users can access the network using the same link. Virtualization is good for setting up data centers within the company’s network or infrastructure and cloud computing can be used for software services that can be used by external users. Single point of failure in virtualization can bring down multiple machines whereas it does not affect much in cloud. Virtualization offers more of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) whereas cloud offers all 3 services platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and IaaS. The targeted audience for cloud is end users and service providers whereas virtualization does not target the end users but is used by service providers (Chandrasekaran, 2014; Ding et al., 2015).

As per CIOReview’s “Top 10 Virtualization Companies-2018” (2018), VMware is one of 10 most promising virtualization solution provider. As per VMware (2019) customer stories, one of the companies that recently adopted virtualization is MSC Software Corporation which is an American software company based out of California and is specialized in simulation software. It helps the manufacturing firms to validate and optimize their designs using visual prototypes. The infrastructure maintenance was a challenge and the company needed 8000 VMs every week, but their existing IT environment could not scale beyond 1000 machines. Hence, they adopted virtualization using VMware solutions which resulted in accelerated development and 53% return on investment (ROI). Virtual desktop environment was rolled out across the globe and their sales team uses the desktop virtualization to demonstrate 3D software from their tablets. The main benefit of moving to virtualization includes improved product development, availability, cost saving, faster and accurate releases and reliability for business-critical applications.

To conclude, cloud is essentially made up of from the concept of virtualization and there are several differences between cloud computing and virtualization. The benefits of virtualization include return on investment, low capital expenditures and operational expenditures.


Chandrasekaran, K (2014). Essentials of cloud computing

Ding, W., Ghansah, B., Wu, Y. (2015). Research on the Virtualization Technology in Cloud Computing Environment. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa

Top 10 Virtualization Companies-2018(2018). Retrieved from…

VMware (n.d.). VMware customers. Retrieved Nov 6, 2019, from…

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Below added one student response for you reference : Please follow the same way and respond to above Discussion 1, Discussion 2,Discussion 3. Please add references also

I was first introduced to virtualization about 12-years ago and I am still amazed by its capabilities today. VMware has established themselves as the leader in the data-center market, beating out other companies that provide similar products at substantially discounted prices, such as Microsoft and Citrix (Virtualization Share, n.d.). One of the key reasons for this market-share is the reliability and redundancy that can be created from within a VMware cluster, which can be quite similar to those found in a cloud-provider.

According to the ICEEOT (2016), cloud-computing services must provide the ability to scale operations up and down, offer redundancy in the event of a failed device, and isolate multiple computers from each other. VMware offers these same features in the data-center creating clusters of physical servers, attaching to shared storage, and allowing the creation of high-availability virtual machines that can act in an active-active environment. Moreover, virtual machines can be “hot” migrated from one host to another without any downtime and additional physical hosts can be added to increase computing capacity as needed. (, 2019)

The primary differentiation that I see in virtualization with VMware and a cloud-computing provider is that the vendor is required to maintain the entire infrastructure that is required to run the virtualization environment. This includes such items as computer servers that run the hypervisor, shared storage, and bandwidth provisioning. With this in mind, I found it surprising that MSC chose to virtualize their solution internally rather than offloading the capacity needs to a cloud-provider.

Another possibility is that MSC chose to use VMware in a hybrid cloud. ICICIC (2017) proposed a method in which a private cloud could be created using inexpensive management techniques. Additionally, VMware now offers its own cloud for customers that want all the functionality of VMware without the hassle of the hardware maintenance.


An alleviated model for private cloud deployment using VMware. (2017). 2017 International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC), 2017 International Conference On, 1.

Cloud computing challenges and implementations. (2016). 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), International Conference On, 2583.

High Availability – vSphere: VMware vSphere. (2019, October 29). Retrieved from

Virtualization Market Share Report: Competitor Analysis: VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware ESX Server. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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