Mercury Space Program


Your paper can be in any format you would like. It can be written as a fictional interview, a diary entry, a ghost story, a time travel novella or even as an alien encounter. I encourage you to be creative. Regardless of what format you decide upon, in order to receive full credit you must address the following points:

Give a brief summary of your Topic. Be sure to put your Topic into historical context.
Give an example of a popular myth or distortion about your Topic. (For example George Washington’s wooden teeth, or Paul Revere’s infamous night ride.)
Lastly, you must provide an example of what you consider to be your Topic’s most noteworthy contribution to American History. This could be something good or bad.
Your paper should be between 750 and 1000 words. Direct quotes taken from others do not count towards your overall word count. All papers are to be typed, double-spaced, in 12 point type with 1-inch margins on all sides. I expect lucid prose, correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and organization.

You are required to use at least three scholarly resources in your paper. [Feel free to use more as needed.] Be sure to cite all outside resources correctly using MLA 8th ed. Your paper should include both in-text citations and a work-cited page. All sources listed in your work cited page should be used in your paper (noted by your in-text citations). Your Work Cited page should include citations in proper MLA format. If your citations are not in MLA format and/or are incomplete your source will not be considered scholarly. Please note that the work-cited page does not count towards your total word count.

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