The movie; Killing Us Softly 4.

Read Chapter 9, watch Killing Us Softly 4.
Go to: and enter the Password: soc201908
After that, find a meme or advertisement that reflects a point made in the film. For example, find a sexist meme.
Then, edit the meme or advertisement, or create a new meme or advertisement that reflects concepts discussed in the film. For example, find a sexist meme and edit it to be not sexist.
Post the memes to the discussion board and explain how the meme reflected points made in the film, and how you edited it to reflect a less gendered image. Your original post should be your memes and explanations. Be sure you respond to two classmates.
You should post two memes: the original, and your edited meme.

At a minimum answer the questions below:
According to the text, what are sex and gender?
Do the media reflect these ideas or something else?
What is beauty to the media?
What is sexuality? Who is sexy?
What are the consequences of the images of beauty, femininity, and masculinity?

Suggestions for meme editing. You can go to and sign in with your google email or google chrome accounts and use their limited free edition. I found a meme online and just right clicked, save as, and uploaded it to the canvas. Then I added a text box and changed the words. You can add other images, or whatever to make it your own. If you have questions let me know.

If our films on-demand library is not available Please watch the film through this Vimeo link or you can find it on Youtube. It is Jean Kilbourne’s Killing Us Softly 4.

Your post should include a written explanation, as well as the memes.

edited memo

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