The great depression


Book reviews should be a minimum of seven (7) typed pages. When writing your review, keep mind that you should expect to do more than simply summarize what the author has to say. A book review is an analysis and evaluation of the book for others who haven’t read it. You should include a brief summary section at the beginning of the review. Then tell the reader what you think: what were the strengths, weaknesses or other aspects of the book that stood out for you? Would you recommend it to others? Did you learn from it? It’s questions like these that a reviewer addresses, although obviously it will depend on what book you’re reviewing and what you think of it. In any case, please stick to your own thoughts and reactions, and do not consult outside sources, such as other reviews by other reviewers. Just your own ideas, please. Try also to keep quotations to a minimum, although most reviews usually include some brief quotes from the book that’s being assessed.

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