
In-Class Presentations Due: MONDAY, December 9 – – – Points Possible: 5 points

Must be in Microsoft Word and submitted through D2L Brightspace Assignments
(If you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer, please see our Technology Department located on the first floor, Atrium, and they will provide you with this program.) Will not be accepted through e-mail.

ALL 5 OF YOUR CHOICES Must be submitted through D2L using ONE DOCUMENT ONLY OR POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED. DO NOT SUBMIT one document for each choice option!

Be sure to explain in detail ALL answers. See “Assignment Rubric” located in the Content area of D2L. Also, view the criteria for each Choice question, as listed.

All work must be on your own. Do not copy from a classmate or another source as this is cheating. Those who cheat may 1) receive 0 points on the assignment 2) receive a grade of “F” for the class 3) be referred to the RCTC conduct officer 4) receive other disciplinary action that has been decided upon by the instructor 5) any or all of 1-4 combined.

Remember: RESEARCHED BASED CHOICES: The expectation is that you are using additional, credible resources in addition to your textbook for research-based activities and that you are citing your sources. APA style. You do not need a cover page, running head, abstract, or resources page (See example).

Choose 5 out of the 12 Choices ONLY.
Each choice worth up to 7 points. 5 choices X 7 points each choice = 35 points total
If more choices are submitted, grading will only occur on the first 5 submitted in order.
See additional directions and criteria for each choice.


Choice #1: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph form, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing. See “Assignment Rubric.” Do not copy from a source! Worth 7 points.

Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. Remember: The expectation is that you are using at least two additional, credible resources in addition to your textbook for research-based activities and that you are citing your sources.

Choice #1: RESEARCHED BASED: Use the psychological disorder Anorexia Nervosa, Bulumia or other eating disorder and include your answers to the below questions in detail in your paper:
1 Name and discuss at least three characteristics of the disorder you chose.
2 Describe in detail a possible psychodynamic therapy session between therapist and client.
3 Describe in detail a possible humanistic therapy session between therapist and client.
4 Describe in detail a possible behavioral therapy session between therapist and client.
5 Describe in detail a possible cognitive therapy session between therapist and client.
6 Describe in detail a possible biomedical therapy session between therapist and client.

  1. What type of therapy or therapies do you personally believe is the best approach for the psychological disorder, Anorexia Nervosa? Why? (Be specific and detailed)
  2. Cite your minimum of two sources_____________________________________________
    Choice #2: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph form, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See “Assignment Rubric.” Worth 7 points.
    Remember: The expectation is that you are using at least two additional, credible resources in addition to your textbook for research-based activities and that you are citing your sources.

Choice #2: RESEARCH BASED: Martin Seligman & Steven Maier’s early (1960s) research on Learned Helplessness.

  1. Give your own detailed example of Learned Helplessness in the academic setting.
  2. Using your own example, describe and discuss 4 possible outcomes of someone who uses Learned Helplessness as a coping pattern.
  3. Discuss in your own words the more recent information regarding learned helplessness from a neuroscientific approach. How does this information differ from the original (1960’s) research?
  4. Do you believe in the concept of learning helplessness? Why or Why Not?
  5. Which research explanation (1960s or neuroscientific) of learned helplessness do you feel is more valid? Explain in detail.
  6. Cite your minimum of two sources ____________________________
    Choice #3: Criteria for grading: Complete answers using a 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing using paragraphs. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric for criteria. Video tape your experiment, if you wish.
    Choice #3: Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development – Preform the experiment using children in the appropriate developmental level in which you are making your hypothesis.
    Using Piaget’s stages of cognitive development create and implement your own experiment(s) using the various stages of development. You may use the same type of activities as Piaget (i.e. conservation of water), with your test subjects if you wish. Worth 7 points.
  7. What do you want to learn in this experiment?
  8. Hypothesis – What do you predict will happen (keep in mind the age of your test subject?
  9. Supplies used
  10. Method – What was the procedure you used for this experiment? Remember to include detailed information on ages, male/female, etc.
  11. Ethics – How did you obtain permission from parent/caregiver since the child(ren) are under age 18? What did you do to ensure that the name of the child(ren) was kept confidential?
  12. Conclusion – Discuss your results. Did your results agree with your hypothesis? Did your results concur with Piaget’s results? How so?
    How could you have improved on your experiment? What was your reaction to the experiment?
  13. Discuss other information you find pertinent.
  14. Cite your source(s), if any ___________________________________

Choice #4: Criteria for grading: Create obituary in “obituary format.” Complete answers in paragraph form, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing.
Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric for criteria. Worth 7 points.
Choice #4: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ Stages of Death and Dying
After referring to your textbook and at least one other credible source,

  1. Do you agree or disagree with each of Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of reaction regarding death and dying? Why or why not? Be specific with each stage and give an example of each.
  2. Discuss each stage. Next, Do all individuals go through each of the stages? In order? Why or Why not?
  3. What changes, if any, would you make to Kubler-Ross’s stages regarding death & dying?
  4. Cite your minimum of two sources _______________________________
    NEXT . . .
  5. Create your own obituary. (You do not have to choose an end date or a reason for death.) Your “obituary” should include statements on how you wish people would remember you.
  6. If you were to die today, would people remember you how you want them to remember you? Why or why not? Be specific.
  7. What would you like to change about your behavior (if any) so that if you die tomorrow others remember you in a way you wish?
  8. What steps will you make in order to make these changes?
  9. What is the purpose of this activity?
    Choice #5: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph format, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing using paragraphs. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric criteria. Worth 7 points.
    Choice #5. Classical Conditioning
  10. Create and explain your own real-life scenario (do not just change the textbook example from a dog to another animal!) using the concept of Classical Conditioning. In your example, what is the 1) neutral stimulus 2) unconditioned stimulus 3) unconditioned response 4) conditioned stimulus and 5) conditioned response?
  11. What makes your scenario an example of classical conditioning versus operant conditioning? Describe. If there are components of both classical conditioning and operant conditioning, be sure to distinguish between the two and explain your answer.
  12. In the experiment of Little Albert, describe and explain the steps would you would take in order to extinguish his fear of white rats and other furry objects? Be specific.
  13. How can understanding your real-life scenario using the concept of Classical Conditioning benefit you? Explain – give examples.
  14. List your source(s)____________________________________________

Choice #6: Criteria for grading: Dialog/script format, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, and college level writing. The answer to Choice #6 must be in your own words (Do not copy from a source!) The TV show host must ask at least 5 questions (the same 5 questions) for each of the 4 theorists to answer according to their perspective in psychology. Worth 7 points.
Choice #6. Theories of Personality; Perspectives: psychodynamic, behaviorist, humanistic, and trait

  1. You are an interviewer for a local TV show. In your studio, you will interview a panel consisting of the following theorists (Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura, Abraham Maslow, and Raymond Cattell) on the topic of “personality.” Create a dialog (script) and at least 5 questions (the same 5 questions for each panelist) for the TV show host to ask the participants during the interview panel. Each of the theorists answer the 5 questions using their own thoughts taking in to consideration their specific perspective on personality.
    NEXT . . .
  2. Summarize the 4 theories of personality; psychodynamic, behaviorist, humanistic, and trait.
  3. Which theorist(s) do you align with regard to how personality is developed? Be specific and detailed in your answer.
  4. What is the purpose of this activity? Explain in detail.
  5. Cite your source(s) ______________________________________
    Choice #7: Criteria for grading: Complete answers of the discussion in paragraph form, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, college level writing. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. You must submit a picture of your optical illusion into D2L AND bring your optical illusion to class before the due date. Worth 7 points.
    Choice #7 All students with artistic and creative abilities . . . Create your own Optical Illusion
  6. Using your choice of chalk, pen, pencil, markers, or paint create an original idea for an optical illusion. DO NOT COPY THE WORKS OF OTHERS!
    Note: An optical illusion of a line drawing is not acceptable (example Necker Cube; Muller-Lyer). Time and effort must be seen in your illusion. MAKE SURE YOUR OPTICAL ILLUSION PORTRAYS AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF WORK.
    NEXT . . .
  7. What is an optical illusion?
  8. Discuss your creation
    a. What is an optical illusion? (in your own words, not textbook definition)
    b. Why do you consider your creation an optical illusion?
    c. What do you hope others will gain from your creation?
    Cite your source(s) _________________________________________________

Choice #8: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph format, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, and college level writing. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric criteria. Worth 7 points.

Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. Remember: The expectation is that you are using at least two additional, credible resources in addition to your textbook for research-based activities and that you are citing your sources in APA citing format throughout your paper. You do not need a cover page, running head, abstract, or reference page. (See example)

Choice #8 RESEARCH BASED: Choose one specific topic that we have discussed in class (that you have not already researched for this final paper) and write about the following:
1) Briefly define and explain the topic.
2) Create and describe in detail your own examples with the specific topic you chose. Do not use example from the text.
3) Who are the key theorists that support this topic?
4) Why is this topic important for psychologists to research?
5) What is the impact of this topic on society?
6) Why did you choose this topic?
7) Do you agree or disagree with your findings of this topic? Why or why not?
8) Cite your minimum of two sources ____________________________
Choice #9: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph format, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, and college level writing. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric criteria. Worth 7 points.
Remember: The expectation is that you are using at least two additional, credible resources in addition to your textbook and that you are citing your sources.

Choice #9 RESEARCH BASED: Choose one well-known psychologist that we have studied this semester (that you have not already researched for this final paper) and write about the following:
1) Briefly and in your own words, explain the psychologist’s theory(s).
2) What was their contribution to psychology?
3) Give at least one example of how you would apply their theory to everyday life (do not use book example, but create your own). Explain your answer in detail.
4) Other information that you find pertinent for this project.
5) Why did you choose this psychologist?
6) Do you agree or disagree with their theory(s)? Why or why not?
7) List your minimum of two sources________________________________________

Choice #10: Criteria for grading: Complete both Part 1 and Part 2. You must submit a picture of your vision board and Part 2 answers in the D2L Assignments Box to obtain full credit. In addition, you must bring the Vision Board to class for the instructor to view. An example of instructions on how to create a Vision Board is uploaded. Worth 7 points

CHOICE #10: VISION BOARD (or similar concept)

Part 1: Create your own vision board.
Research various vision boards using the internet and/or see separately uploaded example instructions.

NEXT . . .

Part 2: Complete the below questions, in detail.

1) What did you learn about yourself as you completed your vision board?
2) Is there a particular image that you used on your vision board that is powerful to you? Why?

Choice #11: Criteria for grading: Keep a stress journal for one week. (Use the stress journal uploaded in D2L for this assignment.) Record your observations using the uploaded form. Track at least 4 stresses per day. After one week of observations, answer the below questions. Submit in the Assignments Box your one-week stress journal (or copy) and answers to the below. Worth 7 points


Part 1: Before beginning to track in your stress journal, name and describe at least 5 realistic ways in which you, personally, can reduce stress. It will be important to have these strategies in place. Once you recognize you are becoming stressed – use at least one of the strategies to help reduce your stress.

Part 2: After one week, using your stress diary, reflect on your experience in detail.
What did you observe?
Was there a particular activity, person, or event that causes you stress?
Was there a specific Times of Day that causes you more stress than others?
Did certain strategies work better than others? How?
What new information did you learn through this activity?
How will you use the information you learned about yourself in this activity, in the future?

Choice #12: Criteria for grading: Complete answers in paragraph format, 12-point font, double spaced, correct spelling, and college level writing. Do not copy from a source! Address each of the below questions, explain your answers using detailed information. See Assignment Rubric criteria. Worth 7 points. Outline must be submitted to your instructor before November 6.

Choice #12 Design your own research topic that relates to psychology.
Create your own topic to research and format (that you have not already researched for this final paper). Make sure that your topic is meaningful to you. Your instructor must approve the topic in advance for this choice option! Example: You may wish to design a one-hour presentation to a specific group of individuals regarding a specific topic. You will submit your topic and an outline of what you plan on researching, your target audience, and the format you will be using and specific grading criteria. Once you submit your topic, your instructor either will approved or not approved your topic before you proceed. If you are using Choice #12 as an option, topics and outlines for Choice #12 must be submitted in writing to the instructor BEFORE November 10.
NOTE: You only need your instructor’s approval if you are choosing Choice #12 as one of your questions.

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