Reward System

Prepare a 5 – 7 page paper that defines and compares the importance and value of different
components of total rewards; identifies three (3) important insights gained into total rewards;
and how you have or could apply them to enhance effectiveness in attracting, motivating and
retaining talent in a specific organization. A well-constructed paper will reference 3 or more
scholarly sources that may include your textbook, SHRM and/or articles retrieved from
Brandman’s virtual library, and adhere to APA standards. As outlined in the rubric below, your
paper should:
• Define, compare and contrast the importance and value of compensation, benefits,
recognition, career opportunities and work life balance in total rewards programs.
• Use course concepts to identify 3 significant insights gained into total rewards that has
changed your behavior and/or thinking; define and discuss the value and importance of
the concepts to enhance organizational effectiveness in attracting, motivating and
retaining talent.
• Assess the effectiveness of total rewards in your current organization, and describe how
and why the application of the insights gained will enhance attracting, motivating and
retaining talent.
• Employ critical analysis to create a specific action plan based on the insights gained
from course concepts to improve organizational effectiveness.

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