Brochure/pamphlet worth


As a separate event, the Administrator of the facility has asked that you also create a brochure for the attendees of the Adult Day Program. The attendees of the Adult Day Program (70+ years of age), which is held 5 days per week, would be considered somewhat healthier and more mobile than the residents at the facility, but there are still issues for 10% of the population with issues including, cognitive impairment (e.g., memory loss, processing of information), early-stage Parkinson’s Disease, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.
The following is required for Part A by the due date and time:

  • The brochure/pamphlet and write-up for this component must be submitted to (Class ID: 22750647; Password: NUTRITION)
  • A copy of the brochure/pamphlet and write-up for this component must be sent to [email protected]
  • A hard copy of the brochure/pamphlet and write-up for this component must be submitted in class
    Objective: The purpose of this component is to demonstrate your ability to develop an effective health communication vehicle, in the form of a brochure/pamphlet, for a specific target population.

Background: You are the Nutrition Manager at a private long-term care facility, Shady Pines, and you have been asked, by your Administrator, to create a brochure/pamphlet in support of Nutrition and Hydration Week for the facility’s Adult Day Program. This brochure/pamphlet will be provided as a “take-away,” and a reminder about the importance of nutrition and hydration in an elderly population.
Attendees of the Adult Day Program include both male and female older adults, 70+ years of age. You are acutely aware of both physical and cognitive challenges and barriers that can be faced by an elderly population. The attendees of the Adult Day Program would be considered somewhat healthier and more mobile than the frail residents at the facility, but there are still issues with cognitive impairment, failing eyesight, early-stage Parkinson’s Disease, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis for many of the attendees. You are aware that you will need to take into consideration at least some of these challenges in the development of the brochure/pamphlet.
Payment for the brochures/pamphlets will come out of the facility’s Adult Day Program fund.
The following is required in the development of the brochure/pamphlet: ACTUAL, PHYSICAL BROCHURE/PAMPHLET
1) 8.5 x 11 sized paper, folded in order to create a brochure/pamphlet. Essentially, it is the equivalent of folding an 8.5 x 11 sized paper in half. In total, your brochure/pamphlet will be two separate pieces of 8.5 x 11 sized paper: one paper will be folded to provide the front and back panels, and the other paper will be folded to provide the inside panels.
2) Develop/create and incorporate into the finished product branding (brand identity: logo and color choices) for Shady Pines.
3) Incorporate into the body of the brochure/pamphlet a minimum of TWO (2) reasons why good nutrition is so important in the elderly population. You will need to provide a reference for each reason. *Please note: References must be clearly marked with a number on the brochure/pamphlet [e.g, Millenials like CSR (1)] and the information regarding the reference included on the back panel of the brochure/pamphlet.
4) Incorporate into the body of the brochure/pamphlet a minimum of TWO (2) reasons why adequate hydration is so important in the elderly population. You will need to provide a reference for each reason. *Please note: References must be clearly marked with a number on the brochure/pamphlet [e.g, Millenials like CSR (1)] and the information regarding the reference included on the back panel of the brochure/pamphlet.
5) Incorporate into the brochure/pamphlet a minimum of TWO (2) ways to help prevent malnutrition in the elderly. You will need to provide a reference for each reason. *Please note: References must be clearly marked with a number on the

brochure/pamphlet [e.g, Millenials like CSR (1)] and the information regarding the reference included on the back panel of the brochure/pamphlet, in APA format.
6) Incorporate into the brochure/pamphlet a minimum of TWO (2) ways to help prevent dehydration in the elderly. You will need to provide a reference for each reason. *Please note: References must be clearly marked with a number on the brochure/pamphlet [e.g, Millenials like CSR (1)] and the information regarding the reference included on the back panel of the brochure/pamphlet, in APA format.
In a separate document (appendix), to be included with the submission of your brochure/pamphlet, please include the following:
1) Explain why you chose the colors that you did, as part of your branding for Shady Pines. Provide a reference to support this use of color.
2) List and discuss a potential PHYSICAL challenge or barrier that could impact your target population’s ability to 1) access OR 2) understand OR 3) process the health information contained in the brochure/pamphlet. Include one reference in support of your answer. Please include this reference on your Reference Page according to APA formatting:
3) List and discuss a potential COGNITIVE challenge or barrier that could impact your target population’s ability to 1) access OR 2) understand OR 3) process the health information contained in the brochure/pamphlet. Include one reference in support of your answer. Please include this reference on your Reference Page according to APA formatting:
4) Choosing either the PHYSICAL OR the COGNITIVE challenge or barrier you have identified, indicate how it was addressed in the brochure/pamphlet. There are many physical and cognitive challenges or barriers in an elderly population, so the example provided here is merely for illustration purposes regarding what is required:
For example, if failing eyesight was identified as a physical challenge, how was this addressed in the design of the brochure/pamphlet? Did you enlarge the font size? If so, how big did you make it and why? Is there support (evidence; reference) for which size font is best for an elderly population with failing eyesight? Or, did you put dark letters on a light background and, if so, what color background and why (evidence; reference)? Did you choose a specific theme font (Arial, Times Roman, etc.) and, if so, why (evidence; reference)? You will need to include references in support of your answers, according to APA formatting:
5) It is common knowledge that the health literacy level of the general population is 10-13 years of age; however, health literacy levels in the elderly population is lower than the general population (consider challenges and barriers), so this must be kept in mind in the design and content of the brochure/pamphlet. Include a SMOG analysis of your brochure/pamphlet by analyzing a minimum of ten (10) sentences. If your brochure/pamphlet doesn’t have at least ten sentences, analyze the sentences you have included. Conduct the analysis on a separate copy of the brochure/pamphlet, and include this information as an appendix, along with your submission. You must show your work of the SMOG analysis in order to receive full marks.
*Please note: Marks will be given for style (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure), title page and references.
Part B: Written report (20%): Due no later than Friday, Dec. 6 at 10:45 a.m. This may be done individu

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