The utilitarianism ethical theory


Summarize and explain the ethical theory known as utilitarianism. Explain why it is a consequentialist ethical theory and what that means. Distinguish and provide clear and accurate definitions of act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. Explain how act utilitarianism calculates the consequences and expected utility of an action. State and explain the advantages of act utilitarianism. State and explain the disadvantages of act utilit arianism. State and explain at least two arguments against act utilitarianism. (There are more but you are only required to state and explain two. You have the option to state and explain more than two for an added opportunity to earn full credit on the paper). Explain how rule utilitarianism calculates the consequences and expected utility of an action. State and explain how rule utilit ariani sm offers better answers to the two arguments (more if you presented more than two) against act utilitarianism. State and explain any remaining arguments against rule utilitarianism.

This is the prompt.

Please use information from:
“Ethical Choices: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy with Cases, 2nd Edition” by Burnor, R. And Yvonne Raley

“ Grounding for the Metaphysic of Morals, New York“ by Kant

“Utilitarianism, Hackett Publishing Company” by Mill J.S.

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