Types of wellness

The LCC website describes the different types of wellness discussed in class as well as ways and resources to continue to improve your wellness. https://lcc.lt/co-curricular-activities/holistic-wellness
These seven areas include:
• Physical wellness
• Environmental wellness
• Financial wellness
• Career and academic wellness
• Spiritual wellness
• Social and cultural wellness
• Emotional wellness
Choose an area of strength (one area of wellness that you do well) and one area in which growth is needed (one area that you do poorly) and write a response per based on the following prompts:
1) What is your area of strength in wellness? What are the practices/behaviors that help you experience wellness in that specific domain?
2) In what area(s) are you not experiencing wellness? Describe what you are currently doing in that domain (give examples) and list two different actions you can take that will allow you to improve in that area.
3) The website provides different ideas and resources for students to maximize their wellness.

Paragraph Structure:

  1. Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic of wellness and your results on the wellness assessment.
  2. Paragraph 2: Your area of strength, along with a description of the behaviors and habits that make it a strength.
  3. Paragraph 3: Your area for growth, along with description/examples of what makes action difficult in that domain.
  4. Paragraph 4: What are some two action points that you can take to continue to improve upon your areas of growth? These two actions should be specific and realistic.

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