Scenario #10. Greg was a freelance writer who entered into a contract with a newspaper to author regular blog posts for the newspaper’s website. It publishes digital content as well as a monthly print magazine. In the contract, in return for writing blog posts two to three times a week, he was to be paid a freelance payment in monthly installments. He was also paid separately for any work published in the company’s print magazine. The contract was binding for one year and would be renegotiated annually every December. Last December, the magazine chose not to renew the contract. Greg filed for Unemployment Benefits.
Questions to address:
What is the purpose of Unemployment Insurance?
When did it become a required employment benefit?
Who is eligible to receive it?
What type of employee is Greg?
Based on this type of employee: Is Greg covered under the rules of Unemployment Insurance?
Does the company have the right to not extend Greg’s contract?