Disciplinary Methods

Producing knowledge means using (or attempting to create) sound methods to test theories, assumptions, and hypotheses. In different disciplines, different methods have come to be accepted over time as reliable ways to produce knowledge and make scientifically sound arguments. Select 1 discipline in Humanities, 1 in Social Sciences, and 1 in Natural Sciences. For each discipline, explore a methodological approach often used by scholars in that discipline. Be sure to discuss the method in detail, describing:

The relationship between the research questions asked (or hypothesis tested) and the selection of the method.

The process by which the method is applied and the kind of data collected.

The way the results provided by the method is reported.

The impact the method has had on that discipline.

Each of the 3 sections of this paper should be approximately 500 words. You may use only scholarly sources, preferably peer-reviewed, though lectures from university-affiliated scholars are acceptable as long as the info stated can be verified. At the end of each section, devote a few sentences to discussing the recent or current methodological innovations made in your disciplines.

You may use any citation style as long as your use of it is clear and consistent. You work will be evaluated based upon the Purdue OWLs distinction between Higher and Lower Order Concerns in scholarly writing, with Higher-Order Concerns weighing more heavily on your grade. Please review the writing guide provided on the course Blackboard page for further details.

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