Performing a mystery shopper report


  • Write your RESEARCH PAPER submission in MS WORD (no other software is acceptable, except a PDF) or type directly into the system (writing the work under the “Instructions” in the section marked “Submission”)

The topic is as follows:

“Performing a Mystery Shopper Report”

The criteria are as follows:

Part 1 – Define and discuss what a mystery shopper report is. You can find a sample of one attached above, or you can search the internet for samples. Research companies on the internet to provide a thorough analysis and demonstrated understanding of what they are and what services they provide.

Part 2 – Do a Mystery Shop of a restaurant!

Submit a report answering the following questions about your restaurant service experience:

  • Remember, you are a ‘mystery’ guest. Do not tell them that you are doing a report. You should be dining just like any other person (type of restaurant does not matter, as long as it is a sit-down restaurant with a la carte service).

1- Restaurant name and address

2- Date and time of visit

3- How long (in seconds) did it take for someone (host/hostess) to greet you? What did they say? Were they polite? Were they pleasant and enthusiastic? Were they hospitable?

4- How long (in seconds) did it take for your server/waiter to greet you? What did they say? Were they polite? Were they pleasant and enthusiastic? Were they hospitable?

5- Did the server suggest and promote items for you to order? Did the server anticipate your needs and follow up with you (drink refills, empty plates cleared from the table, etc.)?

6- Did the server suggest cocktails, appetizers, desserts, etc.?

7- Was the table well set? Clean?

8- Was the entire dining room well set? Clean? Organized? What was the condition and appearance of the overall restaurant? Decor? Theme? Was is appropriate and enticing?

9- Did other staff members greet you and/or thank you for coming to the restaurant?

10- Did your server thank you?

11- Was the server in a clean uniform? Well groomed?

12- What was the condition of the bathroom? Was it well stocked? Odor free?

13- Were the menu, condiments, and any other items placed on the table clean and presentable?

14- What did you order? Did it look good? Taste good? Do this for each course that was ordered.

15- What was the exact time that you ordered your meal? What was the exact time that each part of the meal was delivered? Did this seem too fast? Too slow?

16- Give your overall impressions and comments about the experience. Be sure to add any additional comments that were not covered in the questions above.

17- Did this change your perspective of the customer service experience in a foodservice environment?

18- What suggestions would you have for the service staff and management of this restaurant?

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