Bad Boys II

Pick a movie that focuses on a specific drug: illegal (e.g. cocaine) or legal (e.g. cigarettes):

  1. Bad Boys II
  2. Pineapple Express
  3. Wolf of Wall Street
  4. Let’s Be Cops
    Answer the following questions about the movie while focusing on the main character(s):

What year/era is the movie depicting?

What are the protective and risk factors for drug use?

What are the social factors influencing drug use in the movie?

Does the drug use in the movie match its era (e.g. In the 1970s, smoking was acceptable- it was possible for people to smoke in a restaurant; and crack use was widespread among minorities in the US in the 1980s)?

Did the main character influence your perception about the drug that was depicted in the movie?

Select one prevention model/framework/theory and use it (along with the materials from the lectures and the textbook) to describe how the model could have prevented drug use? Use a minimum of 3 different peer reviewed articles to support your explanation of the prevention model and its relation to the drug. You can use websites from Health Canada, Statistics Canada and CAMH and relevant books including your course textbook to complement (not replace) the peer-reviewed sources for your paper. However, you are still required to use the minimum number of peer-reviewed articles to support the explanation of your prevention model.

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