ADD and ADHD, the use of Ritalin and the effects on learning for children who are diagnosed

Provide an overview of contemporary issues in the field of learning and behavior. Include a critical evaluation of research supporting and/or refuting a theoretical position currently proposed in the area of learning or memory with a cohesive summary of your findings. Resources obtained for this paper must consist of peer reviewed articles that contain experimental procedures in support or against the theory in question. After your critical evaluation, the last portion of your paper should be a proposal for a new research study (a new experimental design) that will help provide additional evidence for or against the theory in question. It should also provide the details of the procedures, the purpose of the study and why you think the results of this study will help resolve the issues involved.
8-12 pages in length for the body with a title page and reference page in addition to the 8-12 pages,
APA style,

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