Advertising and promotion as integral parts of our social and economic systems

Advertising and promotion are integral parts of our social and economic systems. Advertising is a vital communication link for both consumers and businesses. An ever-increasing emphasis on generating immediate sales advertising and promotion expenditures have increased almost four fold since 1980. As we enter a more global market place, companies will be exploring methods to increase sales and market share. But is advertising all that’s it meant to be? Advertising has its good points and its bad points. Critics say that it increases materialism, presents images that are unreachable for the common person and even sells products that will eventually kill us? Well, what do you think? Does advertising reinforce materialism? Are fashion ads, featuring well defined men and women, presenting an unachievable image? What about the volume of advertising present in society? Does advertising make us buy products we don’t need or want? What about stereotyping? Give us your thoughts. By the way, you can discuss the good points of advertising too.

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