Writing Essay

introduction and 3 body paragraph and in each body he needs one claims

Essay #1 Who is Responsible for the Nations’ Health? Prompt: Obesity and unhealthy eating are compromising the health of many Americans. The question here is where to place the blame, Author David Zinczenko believes the fast-food chains are at fault while others such as Radley Balko believe consumers must be responsible for their own choices. Considering the methods used by fast-food chains and food companies (as discussed in Michael Moss’s “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food”), where do you believe the blame lies? The consumer? Food companies? The government? Take a stand and make an argument in favor of it, supporting it with evidence from the texts used in class. Make sure that you include your opponents’ counterarguments. Directions: Write a 2-3 page essay addressing the prompt above. The essay should adhere to MLA format, meaning that it must be double-spaced, use 12 font (Calibri or Times New Roman) and cite authors accordingly. The works cited page must be written on a separate page and include all your sources (at least 3 of the texts used in class). How to Structure Your Essay Introduction What is your stand? Who do you believe is to blame for the health crisis confronting the United States? State this clearly in your first or second paragraphs as this will comprise your argument. Mention which author you believe is right in the matter or makes a more persuasive argument. You may mention your opponents’ counterarguments here if you wish. Body Discuss your specific claims. What reasons do you have for feeling the way you do? Which text(s) are you basing your beliefs on? What specific evidence do they provide to back your argument (you must provide specific examples from the class readings)? Each claim you make should be discussed in a separate paragraph. Conclusion What do you believe the future holds for the overall health of our nation’s citizens? Wha role should our government take in responding to the health crisis? Should food companies b- punish? Should things remain as they are now in which consumers make their own choices Consider the possibilities and end your paper on a strong

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