


After watching the movie, please answer the following questions.

  1. Pretend you know nothing about Hitler. After watching this film, what would your impression be of him and why? Use specifics from the film to support your answer.
  2. Hitler had stated,

“…the gigantic mass demonstrations, these parades of hundreds of thousands of men, which burned into the small wretched individual the proud conviction that, paltry worm as he was, he was nevertheless a part of a great dragon, beneath whose burning breath that hated bourgeois world would someday go up in fire and flame and the proletarian dictatorship would celebrate its ultimate final victory.”

“The task of propaganda is not to make an objective study of the truth… but to convince the masses.”

“The greater the mass of men to be reached, the lower its intellectual level must be.”

Which of these techniques are used in the film?

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