Book Review— Better: A Surgeons Notes on Performance

write a review of a book by Atul Gawande, entitled Better. Its bibliographic information can be found in the required texts section of the syllabus. The review should be 4-5 pages long

After providing a brief summary demonstrating your grasp of the book’s contents, spend most of your time analyzing a particular ethical quandary that Gawande details. Evaluate the quandary utilizing the 6 step process detailed in the required course textbook, Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions, in chapter 5. Be sure to bring theological concerns into your analysis as well. If you agree with the approach actually taken, say why and justify that position. If you think something else should have been done, also say why and justify that position. That is, construct an argument in favor of a particular outcome that is informed by the facts detailed in the book.

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