Write a maximum of a 3-page reflection (double spaced) that demonstrates your understanding of and critical reflection about the content of the readings.Response should be an analysis NOT merely a summary of the articles. The following questions should be considered:
• What is the main thesis of the articles? How does the author(s) define the problem/issues?
What evidence do they cite to support their claims?
• As best you can determine, what is the author’s perspective? How does the author’s
perspective impact the argument they are trying to make, if it does at all?
• What theories, if any, does the author(s) engage in the article(s)?
• What assumptions does the author make about the topic(s)? What is the author NOT
taking into account?
• Given that you have learned global theories and concepts, are there intersections,
contradictions or discrepancies in the thinking of various authors or the theories they
• What ideas or scenes in the articles if any, resonated in your being? Why do you think this
was the case?