Advert Critique Report

Write a report about a current advertising campaign. The questions below are meant to help you
critique the ad campaign from concept to execution. Set up your document like a report with a
cover page. Use 1” margins and 12-point Times or Calibri, as well as double-spaced text. Cite using
APA and include a reference list at the end. For the questions about design, you can select one ad
from the campaign. Please include a screen shot of the ad(s) you analyzed in your document.
Include the following sections and information. This should be in report style, and not simply filling
in the answers to these questions. These questions are meant to help you think of how to critique
the ad. If you think of other things to add, do so! This is your critique. I hesitate to give page counts;
if you cover the material below and use a cover page, plus screen shots of the ad, I think you’re
looking at a 6-8 page paper.

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