Knowledge Pyramid

Using the “knowledge pyramid,” describe an example of how data becomes information, and eventually, knowledge. Try to use an example from your work or daily life, and detail the role of an information system or technology in this process. Are there any challenges to make this process work? What kind of information technology (or improvements to existing technology) help improve this process? [Submit here Question 1-2]
Youtube Lecture:
Note from professor:
The essay would have benefited from careful editing prior to submission. If you haven’t already done so I recommend you download Grammarly. It’s free and very useful in catching issues like the
missing space before the last sentence in paragraph 1 or the lone right parenthesis in paragraph 2.
Lois A Scheidt, Feb 5 at 11:53 am
Lashandra, I would have liked to see a stronger more detailed example. The response is also
missing the discussion of how technology impacts the transition

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