How to become a medical expert.

Write a 4-7 paper on how to become a medical expert.
Pick a community mental health issue or diagnosis that is of interest to you and become an expert on that topic. Write a research paper that contains the following 5 sections: (5 peer review journal articles )

  1. -Definition of the topic including diagnosis, symptoms, criteria to give this diagnosis or how the condition is identified by medical professionals

2.-Describe how you would feel as a person experiencing this condition, include symptoms, ability to function at school or work, relationships with others, etc. How might you think, feel, act?

3.-From the perspective of the person in the situation or experiencing the condition, where would you go to seek help, or would you manage in some other way. Why did you choose this path?

4.A family member of this person, how would this impact you? What would you do to help or where would you begin to go to find resources in the community to help? Additionally, you are to identify anything that relates to the community and stigma

  1. -Report as the Medical expert on research on the current treatments or solutions for the mental illness(s) or community issue that you have chosen and prepare handout informing others about options for intervention of this condition.

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