Demarcation problem and the nature of science

Write a 2-3. The goal of the paper is to present briefly and discuss the views
regarding the demarcation problem and the nature of science of two (and only two) of the authors
considered so far in class: Karl Popper, John Ziman, Paul Feyerabend, Paul Thagard and Larry
Laudan. You are free to choose which two authors you want to focus on. In addition to briefly
presenting their views, your paper should argue for one of the views over the other by giving clear
reasons grounded on what the authors say. For Instance, you can argue that one of the views you
consider has problematic consequences (and show which ones and say why they are problematic);
or you can show that the reasons that one author gives to support his view are flawed (and show
why this is the case); or you can show that the view that you support in your paper does a better job
than the other one addressing a particular issue or problems

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