Qualities that make cities unique environments.

This quarter has focused on the qualities that make cities unique environments. While these environments are riven with inequalities and problems, they also facilitate the formation of contentious political groups. 1. Drawing on the two books, lectures, and readings, what are the specific economic and political conditions that have worsened conditions for low-income immigrants in US cities? 2. Drawing on the book (Cities and Social Movements), lectures, and readings, what were the specific factors that sparked mobilizations by undocumented immigrants in the United States. 3. Drawing on the book (Cities and Social Movements) and lecture from week 10, describe the process through which immigrants developed into a political group with high mobilization capacities in Los Angeles. 4. According to the book Cities and Social Movements, immigrant mobilizations in Los Angeles and Paris had similar origins, but they developed very different trajectories. What role did governments play in causing these very different outcomes?

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