
  1. Analyze who you think the target market was at the time this product was popular. Who did the company sell this product to? Focus on demographics and psychographics in your description of the target customer. Why do you think this product was so popular at the time? What consumer trends drove this popularity? This will require some online sleuthing. Cite your sources in a reference section using APA style.
  2. We’ve talked a lot about how the American society has changed over the last several decades (Chapters 4-6). Considering the changing American Society, use your book to explain why you think this product fell out of popularity. Basically, answer the question, “What has changed?”. When making your argument, cite the chapter in which you are referencing in parentheses or in text.
  3. Next, consider if this company could become popular again. Who could the company target to be successful in 2020? What does this customer segment look like? Describe them in terms of both demographics and psychographics? How would the company’s marketing approach be different now versus then?
  4. Create a targeted advertisement for the customer group you identified in step 3. In your write up, explain how you drew from the knowledge you have gained about consumers in this course to create your advertisement.

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