
1: Erica Carson Case – Chapter 1 Basic Question: If you were in the position of Erica Carson, what action, if any, would you take regarding Killoran’s bid? Related Issues to Address/Think About in your Analysis 1. What importance is the check printing to the bank? 2. How would you do a cost analysis on a check printing order? 3. How would you evaluate a supplier of check printing for this bank? 4.How many suppliers are desirable for check printing? Case 2: Iowa Elevators – Chapter 3 Basic Question: If you were in the position of Scott McBride, what would be your analysis of the situation at Iowa Elevators and what would you present at the executive management team meeting on June 11th? Include your annual cost savings estimates, departmental budget and specific action that you would take to achieve your objectives. Related Issues to Address/Think About in your Analysis 1. Where would you start? With which of the purchase categories? 2.How much money do you think you can save in each of the next five years? 3.What are the inventory tums for farm supplies? What kind of improvements can be made in inventory management and how? 4.What changes would you make to the organization? 5. What are the risks to achieving your objectives?

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