Budget Justification

Background Information
You are on the City Council for The City of Franklin. You have a population of 53,500 citizens, and 17% of your population is unemployed. Through multiple discussions with the Director of the Franklin City Library, you have come up with a plan to convert one of their larger conference rooms (30 ft. x 50 ft.) into a public computer lab. The both of you believe that opening this lab will provide a space for unemployed people to search and apply for jobs and create their resumes and cover letters.
The space is already owned by the City, so there while there is no cost for the space; however, there will be some cost to renovate it. The Library already has Internet, so all you will need to do is pay to have new ports and wiring added in the conference room. You will also need to buy computers, monitors, Ethernet chords, desks, chairs, and printers. Also, the library will need to hire someone to oversee the computer lab while it is open. Windows comes installed on the computers whether they are bought or leased, and the City has an Enterprise license for Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint), so there is not cost to install this software on any of the computers.
I don’t want you to get too deep when writing this justification, but here are some things you need to consider:
How many computers and printers will you buy for this space?
Will you rent or buy the computers and printers?
What type of workstations will you use for the computers?
How will you staff the computer lab? Full-time employees, part-time employees? You will need to determine the hours it will be open to answer this.
What supplies will you provide citizens? Paper, staplers and staples? How about paper clips?
You also need to factor in toner with the printers?
Here are some of the estimated costs?
Conference room renovations
Adding Internet Ports
$75 each (one for each computer)
Computers (rent, includes monitors and servicing and replaced every two years)
$650 (each)
Computers (buy, includes monitor, no service, replaced when needed)
$500 (each)
One full-time library position
$32,000 annually

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