Fake News Presentation.

Fake News…

Or is it?

Are you getting your information from a “Fake News” source? How do you know? How do we decide if the information presented in an article is “Fake” or “Real”? Who’s the ultimate determiner of fact and fiction?

As we go through our UnResearch unit this semester you will be working with a group to verify article reliability. You’ll do this, individually, for the articles you select to support your thesis and, as a group, for an article you’ll present to the class. The presentation will give a basic overview of the article, present questions that will help students determine fact or fiction, allow for students to come to their own conclusions, and facilitate a class discussion.
As we begin our discussions on the UnResearch project, I’ll present a few methods of verification and a few articles as examples. But largely, this is on you to determine. You MUST be able to verify a source to write a credible argument.

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