SYSTEM BIOLOGY Literature Review

Choose topic based on an area of biology you are interested in, this can be broad or very specific. e.g. stress (drought) tolerance in crops.
Then use Pubmed to identify scientific papers that describe how systems biology, specifically omics approaches, have been used to investigate this
topic. e.g. transcriptomics to identify differentially expressed genes during stress in maize, proteomics of rice grown in stress etc. Try to find studies
that combine multiple omics approaches. DO NOT INCLUDE MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. Examples of topics (or you could pick one of the lecture
topics): – Using systems biology to understand drought tolerance in plants – Omics approaches to understanding how fungi adapt to the host
environment during disease – Systems biology approaches to understanding the pathogenesis of malaria – Uncovering the causes of rare human
genetic disease using omics approaches – The use of systems biology to understand human cancer Also, I attached related files: 1- literature review
Rubric 2- literature review guide 3- Literature Review (1)

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