​Review of business intelligence and intelligent systems

Review of business intelligence and intelligent systems in healthcare domain: A research report and ppt

Write a report or critique on the paper, the paper can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources. Please share the link to the research before you start, the journal/research/report should be related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics. If its clear then I’ll give a heads-up to start. Total report approx. 1500 words

Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the
purpose for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or
two paragraphs).

Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report,
discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method)
and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Report on results
discussed and discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to the topics of
this Unit of Study.

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