BI ROSTER Business Intelligence

Steel Wheels is struggling in delivering data to the right people at the right time to facilitate the decision-making process and align key objectives and business processes to the organization’s strategy. To overcome these challenges, Steel Wheels needs a BI tool/application suite that offers flexibility in reporting and analysis for the different BI stakeholders and users in the organization. As the BI Manager, create a formal BI Roster. This BI Roster should identify and consolidate the various BI stakeholders and users of the proposed BI solution in Steel Wheels. The roster should include the type of BI user, the role of the user in the BI program and in the organization, and the type of BI tool that they will use. This roster should include the purpose of the various BI tools and how users will use these tools in Steel Wheels to facilitate the decision-making process. The roster should also include a description of the business need for the BI tool (why they need the BI tool?). Use the provided BI Roster ToolPreview the document to create your BI Roster.


The Right BI Tool for the Right User (Links to an external site.) – Read the article called “‘Right Tool, Right User” on page 15 in this document. This article describes the importance of putting the right tools in the right hands when implementing a Business Intelligence solution.
Business Intelligence Consumers (Links to an external site.) – Who are They? – This blog describes a categorization of the various business intelligence users and tools based on business intelligence usage
Understanding BI Users (Links to an external site.) – This article describes the various business intelligence users and tools based on two dimensions
How to Evaluate and Select the right BI Tools (Links to an external site.) – This article provides an advance on how to select business intelligence tools
Think Big Data Lake Foundation. Lowering the time, cost, and effort of managing and preparing data for analytics (Links to an external site.) – This article provides a figure outlining the various business intelligence tools and users.

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