Childhood obesity(Child Nutrition as it relates to school lunches)

1)Topic’s background into the issue should be introduced.(importance to the meal manager should be stated).. Here briefly describe why u chose the topic, importance to the meal manager, and some history to it. 2)Goal= define the purpose of the research but relating it to the meal manager.(Cover what you want to provide for the meal manager… The purpose of the research is …). 3)What was found= summery of the results and the implications to the meal manager. 4)Conclusions and recommendations =based on the issue, what further investigations can be applied to the topic? Was there any questions that you would like to be addressed in the future?
1)Description of the issue, history of the problem, the relationship to the meal manager should be included and the references should be cited.
2)Cover the issue in detail, from several perspectives.
3)Demonstrate implications to the meal manager(connect the issue to action plan).Summarize what can be done. How is it connected to the meal manager. 5)Creativity= Creative approach to the topic and demonstration of critical thinking
6)Organization-To demonstrate ability to organize(easy to follow). 7)Grammar-(well written, grammatically correct)

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